Sunday, October 10, 2010

Halloween Ornies

I am in the Halloween mood. I have done nothing but make ornaments for the past two days. It is about time. I have been in a creative slump. Hopefully I have climbed out of the blah hole and will continue to create. Below you will see the Purple People Eater ornament. If you are an Oldie Goldie you will appreciate the significance of this ornie. It's my interpretation of that old song we all remember from out youth.I usually don't create scary, but "Scary Skelly" came from somewhere deep inside me. I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley or anywhere else for that matter.

Lonesome Harry sure looks scary
when he crawls upon your plate
Don't be alarmed when he crawls on your arm
He's only looking for a date.
Now who wouldn't fall in love with Harry, with all those creepy eyes and that fuzzy stuff around them. You can find Harry and all his friend on my Etsy site....just in time for Halloween. I'll show you some more friends tomorrow!

Celebrating the season....I love Halloween!


  1. Thanks, Martha. They were fun to make.

  2. Your work is fabulous! Such detail! Is that paperclay your using? Mine never come out so smooth~

  3. They are great!! I particularly love ole one eyed ornie at the top! :)
