HO, HO, HO,.......Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas filled with friends, family and love.
The good little girls and boys are asleep in their beds dreaming of Christmas morning...the bad ones are tossing and turning....but all left cookies and milk for Santa with hope that he brings them everything on their Christmas list.

HO, HO, HO,.......Merry Christmas!
HO, HO, HO,.......Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Celebrate 365

This is "Chunky St. Nick" he is so excited to be included in the Christmas 2010 edition of Celebrate 365. I submitted three ornaments and Nick was chosen to share page 22 with his other Santa friends. By the way, I'm excited, too! You can find Nick for sale at my etsy shop.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween
About a month ago I found this amazing site, http://stolloween.com/. On it were paper mache jack o lanterns of every size and shape, and they were fascinating to me. I wanted to make one, and the best thing was that all the directions were there. It took me a month to make this scary fellow because of the drying time, and he is a first attempt, but I love him. There are some rough edges and things I would change in the future, but all in all I like the way he turned out. If you like Halloween and paper mache, visit this site for some great inspiration and a very creative soul.
Since I am a crazy art teacher, I wanted to wear something that the kids would love to school on Friday. This is the spider hat I finished at midnight Thursday night, but it was a hit with my students. They are so excited when you wear something a little out of the ordinary and they ask so many question about how you created it. I think that it sparks a little creativity in them.
I'm going trick or treating with my grandson tonight. We live in a small community and Halloween is a special time. We go on a hayride with all of our friends. The streets are filled with children in their costumes and the city has a haunted house and games. I trick or treated on these same streets as did my children and now their children.
Happy Halloween to you and yours and as the Raggedy Man would say, "the goblins will get you if you don't watch out"!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Miss Witch
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Ornies Find New Homes
I'm home from the Florida Art Teachers Conference in Orlando tonight. What fun we had. I had some excellent classes and got so many new ideas for projects. My students are going to love them. Next year we travel to St. Petersburg. I'm looking forward to it already. Good fun, good friends, and wonderful memories.
I was fortunate to sell four of my ornies and a couple of Little Jack pins at the Artist Bazaar on Friday night. Scary Skellie who you met in my last post is gone as well as Batilla, and the Queen of Hearts, who I finished at the last minute and forgot to make their pictures.
This is "Frankie Baby". He's quite the handsome fellow and sure to steal the heart of any lovely lady in town, just as his was stolen....he's looking for his bride.

And I'd like you to meet "Millicent Monster" all dressed up for the Halloween Ball. I wonder if she found a date?
Cover your eyes and don't you peek 
I was fortunate to sell four of my ornies and a couple of Little Jack pins at the Artist Bazaar on Friday night. Scary Skellie who you met in my last post is gone as well as Batilla, and the Queen of Hearts, who I finished at the last minute and forgot to make their pictures.
This is "Frankie Baby". He's quite the handsome fellow and sure to steal the heart of any lovely lady in town, just as his was stolen....he's looking for his bride.
And I'd like you to meet "Millicent Monster" all dressed up for the Halloween Ball. I wonder if she found a date?
Larry wants to play Hide and Seek.
As you walk by he'll pull you in.
It's dark inside
Games over my friend!
And "Larry" of "Hide and Seek" is gone also. It is so rewarding when you sell your art to fellow artists. Their was so much talent exhibited at the bazaar you wonder why your art was chosen. I guess there other crazy artists out there that love a little spooky combined with a little whimsy. Whatever the reason I am so glad they chose my little guys and know that they now have wonderful new homes.
Frankenstein Ornament,
Halloween ornament,
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Halloween Ornies
I am in the Halloween mood. I have done nothing but make ornaments for the past two days. It is about time. I have been in a creative slump. Hopefully I have climbed out of the blah hole and will continue to create. Below you will see the Purple People Eater ornament. If you are an Oldie Goldie you will appreciate the significance of this ornie. It's my interpretation of that old song we all remember from out youth.
I usually don't create scary, but "Scary Skelly" came from somewhere deep inside me. I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley or anywhere else for that matter.

Celebrating the season....I love Halloween!
Lonesome Harry sure looks scary
when he crawls upon your plate
Don't be alarmed when he crawls on your arm
He's only looking for a date.
Now who wouldn't fall in love with Harry, with all those creepy eyes and that fuzzy stuff around them. You can find Harry and all his friend on my Etsy site....just in time for Halloween. I'll show you some more friends tomorrow!
Celebrating the season....I love Halloween!
Halloween Ornies,
purple people eater,
Monday, September 20, 2010
Halloween Queens GiveAway

They are giving 31 days of wonderful Halloween art. Everyday until that magical day you can win a spooktacular prize. You won't be disapointed when you see all the ghoulish offerings!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Home to London
Lovely Selene is at home in England. Her trip took her to faraway places and she met many friends along the way. She began her journey in London where her creator Jasmoon Butterfly sent her across the ocean to Ayala Art in California. There she was painted and given her long flowing hair.
She traveled on the sunny Florida where Raedell of DellaRae Designs dressed her and gave her a moon lantern to guide her on her travels to find her lost love Endymion.
Tiny slippers adorned her feet so that she could dance night after night in the fairy glen.
Ribbon wings and a tulle and taffeta gown completed her outfit. Shimmering butterflies in honor of her creator danced across her gown. A beautiful journal accompanied Selene on her journey and recorded her adventures.

Selene longed to be in the place of her birth. I know that she is there now. She has descended the stairs to the fairy glen and has gazed upon her true love. He has been waiting there for her peaceful in sleep. I can see her now, gliding down the stairs through the mist, led by the flickering lights on the banks of the glen. Selene and her love are now togerher forever.
Selene longed to be in the place of her birth. I know that she is there now. She has descended the stairs to the fairy glen and has gazed upon her true love. He has been waiting there for her peaceful in sleep. I can see her now, gliding down the stairs through the mist, led by the flickering lights on the banks of the glen. Selene and her love are now togerher forever.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Selene -Team Muneca
The Traveling Doll Project from ADO http://adotravelingdollproject.blogspot.com/ is rapidly coming to an end. Wonderfully creative dolls have traveled around the world in a collaborative group effort. The results are amazing from some exceptionally creative artists. Each doll travels with a journal created by their maker. The journals exhibit as many different styles as the dolls. Each member of the team adds to the journal as the story of the doll unfolds. If you have missed the journey of the dolls go back and follow them from the beginning.

Pictured above is just a hint of the lovely Selene whose creator is Tracey of http://jasmoonbutterfly.blogspot.com/ of London. Selene traveled to to the California home of Martha of Ayala Art http://ilove2paint.blogspot.com/ where she was given a beautiful serene face and long black hair and then to me to be dressed and accessorized. Selene has had a exciting trip delayed by volcanic ash and other tragedies along the way, but soon she and her amazing journal will return home to England.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
ADO Alice in Wonderland Blog Event

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Lovely Luna
It has been ages since I have been on my blog...computer problems and others to numerous to mention have kept me away. Hopefully all that has changed and I will begin to post again. During the time that I have been away a beautiful fairy came to me. Her name is Luna. Luna is part of the Traveling Doll Project with ADO. She came to me from Ayala Art in California, and this is how she arrived. I was to add to Luna then send her on to Jasmoon Butterfly in London. Luna stayed in Florida for awhile and then continued her journey. Her trip was delayed because of volcanic ash and we worried about her and anticipated her arrival in England. After over a month of travel time she arrived safety.
I had the choice of what to do with Luna. I decided not to dress her, but to add some accessories to enhance her story. I made the moon for Luna to sit and wish on from paper clay and added pearls to the base. While in Florida Luna found and oyster who shared his pearl and the pearls of many of this friends with her. I also used the pearls in her hair. I decided to make Luna's hair green because she had a greenish tint to her skin. I used several different shades of hand dyed mohair for her wild mane. This is how Luna looked when she left for England on the back of a dolphin.

Luna is in London now and soon she and her journal will be completed and she will go home to California. I can wait to see the complete transformation of this lovely creature. She will go back to the glen where the fairies dance, but she will always remember her time in Florida where the whisper of the waves as they touched the shore helped her find magic.
Luna is in London now and soon she and her journal will be completed and she will go home to California. I can wait to see the complete transformation of this lovely creature. She will go back to the glen where the fairies dance, but she will always remember her time in Florida where the whisper of the waves as they touched the shore helped her find magic.
Monday, February 15, 2010
And the Winner Is.....
Kathy and Carrie of http://calkatthejewelryjunkie.blogspot.com Thank you to all who visited my blog during this fun event. Hope to see you all here again next year!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Traveling Art Doll-Victoria- Team Muneca
Victoria is on her way to London. She is part of the Art Dolls Only, Traveling Doll Project. Hand sculpted from polymer clay, Victoria has movable arms, big hands, big feet and a permanent look of surprise on her face. She was not what her mother, the darling and star of the circus, expected when she was born. Tiny Margaritte, tight rope walker and Jon, elephant trainer, had high hopes for their child. We know that she will be part of the circus family, but where will she end up , we do not know. The rest of Victoria's story will be told my Jasmoon Butterfly of London and Ayala Art in California. Victoria was sent to London a blank canvas. It is up to the other two artists to complete the doll and tell the rest of her story.

Along with Victoria is a journal that travels with her. I placed a picture frame on the cover so that her picture can change as she changes and a picture of the final doll can grace the cover at the end of her journey. The journal is made from brown paper bags covered with different scrapbook papers. I can't wait to see the changes that will happen to Victoria and to read about her travels in her journal.
I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of Luna from Ayala Art. She is traveling to Florida from California. Together we will dance in the moonlight.
Along with Victoria is a journal that travels with her. I placed a picture frame on the cover so that her picture can change as she changes and a picture of the final doll can grace the cover at the end of her journey. The journal is made from brown paper bags covered with different scrapbook papers. I can't wait to see the changes that will happen to Victoria and to read about her travels in her journal.
ADO Team,
Team Muneca,
Traveling Doll Project
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Frog Prince Visits Kentucky
The Frog Prince is getting ready to leave Florida and make a trip to Kentucky this weekend. He thinks he might need to pack some long johns to take with him.
This froggy boy will end up in Liberty to top the cake of a very special boy for his first birthday. He hopes they will let him have some ice cream because he tired of eating flies.

This princely croaker is hand sculpted from polymer clay and painted with acrylic paint. He is approximately six inches tall and four inches wide. He wears a jeweled crown fit for a king.

He is excited about meeting his new family and knows he will be happy as long as they don't put him out in the snow.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Spreading Peace and Love-One World One Heart

So jump on the magic carpet and fly into my world.

I am an art teacher by trade and an artist at heart. I have been creating as long as I can remember. I love to paint, sculpt, read, and cook. When you come back to my blog in the future you will see many different things....paintings, art dolls, recipes and nature photography. I am participating in a Traveling Doll Project starting February 1st so you can travel along as our dolls progress.
I live on a lake in central Florida so I find different creatures every time I step outside. Some are old friends that return daily for a handout and others are just passing through. I am always looking for something new to learn. Right now I looking for a soap making class nearby. I started creating art dolls a year ago. And what a year that has been. I have met some incredibly talented doll makers on the internet and even sold a few dolls. My art dolls are all one of a kind and are usually described as whimsical. I would love for you to have one. SOOOOO........
I live on a lake in central Florida so I find different creatures every time I step outside. Some are old friends that return daily for a handout and others are just passing through. I am always looking for something new to learn. Right now I looking for a soap making class nearby. I started creating art dolls a year ago. And what a year that has been. I have met some incredibly talented doll makers on the internet and even sold a few dolls. My art dolls are all one of a kind and are usually described as whimsical. I would love for you to have one. SOOOOO........
Rub the genie's magic lamp and maybe you will be the winner of
"Love at First Sight".
Can't you tell by that goofy look on his face that he has just met the girl of his dreams and his heart is pounding out of his chest. This little snowman is hand sculpted from polymer clay and painted with acrylic paints. He is approximately six inches tall. He has twisted wire arms ready to hug you. Fancy yarn adorns his hat and a yarn scarf completes his outfit. He is covered with a clear glass glitter. To win this little guy, just leave a comment below and a link or an email address where I can reach you should you be the winner. The winner will be chosen and announced on February 15th.
You can also have a chance to win another of my creations, "The Queen of Hopeful Hearts" if you visit the http://artdollsonly.blogspot.com/ . Several members of our group have donated a piece of their fabulous work to be given away. So by visiting you can look at some amazing art and maybe the genie will let you take one of them home.
You can also have a chance to win another of my creations, "The Queen of Hopeful Hearts" if you visit the http://artdollsonly.blogspot.com/ . Several members of our group have donated a piece of their fabulous work to be given away. So by visiting you can look at some amazing art and maybe the genie will let you take one of them home.
The Queen of Hopeful Hearts
Her sad eyes tell the story
Of a love that went away.
A queen in all her glory,
Whose heart was broke today.
She'll tuck away sweet memories
And hold them deep inside
Forget about betrayal
Just remember how she tried
To keep him close beside her
The one who wouldn't stay
And hope that love will come again
And find her some sweet day.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Please come back again and again. I hope that you have found something here to brighten your day. I will leave you with one more thought....What have you done today to make the world a better place to live? It all starts with just one word, one smile, one act of kindness. Do it now, get out there and create some happiness....make the world a better place.
One World One Heart,
Queen of Hearts,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Willie's Words
I wanted to share a picture I did of Willie Nelson several years ago. To look at this picture from a distance you would think it was a pencil drawing of Willie....but when you get up close you will find that is all the words to his songs that I could find at the time I drew it. I chose Willie as my subject because I liked his music and he had an interesting face with lots of character. I thought he was perfect for this style of art. If you stand back as far as ten feet you do not see the words at all and the pencil blends so it looks like a drawing.
People who see the picture often ask me how long it took to finish the picture, and my answer is I really don't know. I did the picture for an assignment for a class I was taking. You had to turn a picture into a piece of word art. I started the picture by sketching Willie lightly in pencil. Then I used different hard and soft lead pencils and colored pencils to get the effect I wanted. After the intitial drawing, I put the picture on a table and would work on it when I had time. Sometimes it would be for a few minutes and sometimes a few hours. At the time I didn't know how much I would like the picture when it was finished so I didn't calculate the time.
The picture is composed with Willie's name and the words to his songs. His name is repeated many times and some of the songs are repeated and some are used only one time. I used them where I thought they fit on the picture.
For example, "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain" had to go in his eyes. This is only picture I have done in this style and many have asked, "Has Willie seen it?" and my answer is ,"No." Someday maybe he will.

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Gourd Queen Giveaway!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Traveling Art Doll Project

The dolls in our group will travel from Florida, to California, and across the ocean to London. How exciting. I wish I could climb in the box with her and make the trip. Oh, the places she'll go.....
My very talented partners in this adventure are
Martha of http://ilove2paint.blogspot.com/ and
Tracey of http://jasmoonbutterfly.blogspot.com/
Please stop by and enjoy their beautiful work.
I am so excited to be working with them on this project. I know we will make some amazing dolls.
So......get ready for the first big send off on February 2. It should be a fun trip!
I am so excited to be working with them on this project. I know we will make some amazing dolls.
So......get ready for the first big send off on February 2. It should be a fun trip!
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